Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Martial Law -Basically- Declared in Boston.

When they tell you to remain in your homes, Not to go outside
Travel is not permitted
They take away your weapons
They bust your doors down while holding you at Gunpoint.
That is when you know Martial Law is in place.

Putting American citizens in fear like this is NOT the way.
You have the right to say If you don't have a warrant Your not entering.

All the diffe rent news stories saying different things are just Sickening.
Obama and the Elite are getting EXACTLY what they want.
A total Police/Military Takeover of OUR country.

And the SHEEP don't even realize it.
It is time to WAKE UP

Φωτογραφία: (H) Martial Law -Basically- Declared in Boston.  When they tell you to remain in your homes, Not to go outside Travel is not permitted They take away your weapons They bust your doors down while holding you at Gunpoint. That is when you know Martial Law is in place.  Putting American citizens in fear like this is NOT the way. You have    the right to say If you don't have a warrant Your not entering.  All the different news stories saying different things are just Sickening. Obama and the Elite are getting EXACTLY what they want. A total Police/Military Takeover of OUR country.  And the SHEEP don't even realize it. It is time to WAKE UP  http://share.banoosh.com/2013/04/19/manhunt-in-boston-after-bombing-suspect-is-killed/

Πηγή: http://piperistostoma.blogspot.com/

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